
Host Derrick Evens and Co-Host Elizabeth Story interview our COO,Al Sanchez, Jr. on HDTV Channel 4, "Smarter San Diego", a community real estate news show that airs weekly in the San Diego region. Al was chosen due to our planning of 1ARC ePark Place. The first-of-its-kind, innovative, 21st Century, public educational facility that blends edutainmentology™ (education, entertainment ...
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Al Sanchez meets with Senator Joel Anderson

State Senator Joel Anderson of District 38 visited citizens from Lemon Grove and nearby cities on Thursday, June 23rd.  Senator Anderson has periodic after-dinner Coffees where the citizens have a chance to voice their opinions concerning their community and the pressing issues that stunt economic growth and prosperity. Al Sanchez, COO, Founder and President of ALECTRONICS Research Center I...
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