1ARCs Veterans Integration Program was inspired back in 2010 from the development of the 1ARC Agri-Thermosphere (1ARCAT); a super-strength, atmospherically controlled building capable of hydroponically producing Heirloom seeded, organically raised, wholesome produce year around in any weather conditions; even in extreme conditions like hurricane winds with speeds as high as 180 miles per hour. Our combat Veteran and Advisory Board member, Mr. Steven Easley, began our initial Veterans program. Mr. Easley now heads up the 1ARC Garden Project which has the ear of Washington D.C. Veterans Administration (VA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Mr. Easley is also involved in his own Veteran owned recycling start-up; an Eco Park which is essentially a group of non-competing recycling companies spread out over ten (10) acres of raw, unimproved land in Imperial County, California. Mr. Easley is also collaborating with other forward thinking socially minded companies and nonprofits to assist him with expanding his social enterprise goals of: education, career readiness, Green/Eco Vocational Training and ultimately 21st century jobs.
CEO and Veteran, Mr. Andrew Blume, now heads their Veterans Integration Program (VIP). When he took over the 1ARC VIP in 2014, he strategically acquired the domain name 1veteran.org . Mr. Blume and 1ARC VIP will utilize 1veteran.org as an informational portal soon to be in full operation; providing an online resource for Veterans and Military families; building Veteran information resources, programs and activities relevant to their immediate and long-term well-being. 1ARCs 1veteran.org website is currently under development and is scheduled to to be fully functional in the second quarter of 2017.
The problem of Veteran Homelessness in North County is the demand for affordable housing. A recent Low-income HUD project in San Marcos has a waiting list of over 700 applicants. 1ARC is planning to construct an ECO and Environmentally Friendly, Group of Energy Efficient Buildings (seeking L. E. E. D. Certification Rating of Platinum), to serve the basic living needs of some deserving Homeless Veterans. This First-of-Its-Kind 1ARC Veterans ePark includes an Integrative Medicine Center (VIMOC), Residence is a planned 3-story (35 FT Height), Mixed-Use, Eco-friendly building that will include just about everything a Veteran requires to survive, guide, arrive and thrive in today’s ever increasing complex, fast-paced, impatient world.
The 1ARC Veterans Park (e = edutainment – education, entertainment and technologies) facilities will incorporate the latest popular “Old School” style living coupled with edutainment . Entertainment is embedded throughout these state-of-the art facilities from climate control to being able to order food or groceries automatically with purposeful human intervention.
Having residences above and a businesses below is a very popular theme for cities across Southern California during these times of smart, sound, modest economic growth. Politically, recent election results may improve conditions for funding Veterans projects in the near term. Congressional, Multi-year Grants are available for these types of projects and will be pursued. From a construction and development viewpoint; recent zoning changes throughout the So Cal region have approved this style of Mixed-Use building to promote local commerce and reduce traffic by living and working in the same proximity. This reduces the need for two automobiles per family. The residential portion of the buildings will occupy the 2nd and 3rd Floors except for one building that will be described later. The proposed residential units are cozier, dorm style studios ranging in size from 312SF for a one bedroom to 728SF for a two-bedroom ADA accessible unit. Utilizing a higher density low-income model set-forth by H. U. D. Section 8a housing guidelines; it is unknown the City of Carlsbad and/or Oceanside would approve such a major change in housing densities which is already in conflict with their approved Master Plan. Our 1ARC building experts; William Perry, Architect and Matthew Miller P.E., head our 1ARC Land and Development Team. Their combined experience span over a century in the Surveying, Land Acquisition and Building industry. They both have experience working with Carlsbad and Oceanside Planning Departments on other projects and have a good working relationship with both municipalities.
Recently, the Carlsbad City Planning Department forwarded 1ARCs Land and Development Team information regarding regarding H.U.D. Section 8a housing application processing and incentives related to such low-income housing developments. William Perry and Matthew Miller will work closely with Carlsbad and Oceanside City Planning Departments involved throughout their respective approval process. 1ARC will maintain and foster great business relationships to insure a smooth and clear communications channels while progressing through the lengthily approval process. Because of the urgency and nature of this vital public project and service, 1ARC will seek the approval of special Fast-track processing from the City of Carlsbad and/or Oceanside to increase the chances for the project to come in under budget and ahead of schedule.
Below, at street level, commercial/office space will house the 1ARC Veterans Resource Center and 1ARC VIP Corporate Offices. Anticipated residential capacity could be increased because of H. U. D. Section 8a Housing Specifications that allow for a greater housing density per area and cooperation with the City of Carlsbad to allow for a variance to their Master Plan of ten (10) units per property equating to only twenty (20) units, total. A total capacity goal of sixty (60) units is being requested, 1ARCs Veterans Park will consist of Forty-Four (44) Studio Apartments; State-of-the-Art Kitchen facilities including Vocational Training; Nutrition and Food Safety with State Certified Food Safety and Sanitation Training and State Certification; Library and Reading Rooms; Workout Room; Meditation Room; Healing Room; Therapeutic Pools for Amputees (stationary and lap), and large outdoor fresh water swimming pool with state-of-the-art filtration system.
Food and Nutrition is another important component to the 1ARC Veterans Park. To increase sustainability for the residents, we’ll be reducing the fresh produce requirements by the installation of the 1ARC Agri-Thermosphere (1ARCAT). The 1ARCAT will be embedded into the rooftops of each residential facility providing fresh organic produce for each of their shared central kitchens. Generally, each unit will not include a kitchen to save on space. Minimal cooking can take place on a small stainless steel counter-top with AC Power outlet will offer each Veteran an ability to prepare simple, convenience foods without going to the main kitchen. However, it will be encouraged for meals to be prepared in the central kitchen and eaten together in the dining room. If someone wants to eat alone, no worries. If it becomes a habit of not showing up for the family dinner, the in-house support group rolls in to evaluate the situation.
Downstairs, is the commercial side; the 1ARC Veterans Resource Center (1ARC VRC) will housed in one of the residential buildings. The 1ARC VRC will include the following general levels of assessment and revitalization: Initial Consultation Interview and Screening, Regime Building, Resume Building, Career Readiness, 21st Century Jobs Training and Placement, Mentoring, Sponsorship and Follow-through by tracking one’s matriculation utilizing 1ARCs measurement and progress tracker named C M I N T – Continuous Measurable Improvement Network Tracking; to insure that each person is tracking to their personally tailored program of measurable progress. The remaining commercial space on the first floor will be leased to local Veteran entrepreneurs, low-income adolescents from Veterans’ families, and deserving local cottage businesses that are currently operating out of their garage or living room. These starving and promising young start-ups just require some guidance, coaching, mentoring and a small amount of working capital to start or expand their product or concept. 1ARC will provide these risk takers and future business owners access to micro capital for selected start-ups with a comprehensive business plan at a minimum. Exceptional leasing opportunities with fair, below market rents/leases will be offered to Veteran owned companies. All revenues derived from rents/leases will be utilized to support 1ARC Veterans programs.
The best feature of the 1ARC Veterans ePark is the place where Veterans can be treated for Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) less the “D”, for Disorder because 1ARCs CEO, Andrew Blume says, “We’ve been given a label of a Disorder yet, we’ve not had an adequate opportunity to fight and handle the daily challenges of PTS. A disorder can be perceived to be permanent and for us here at 1ARC, we’re rolling using an optimistic attitude and perspective that PTS can be conquered in almost every case. We’re always leaving the door open for alternatives and new research. 1ARC is constantly seeking the latest research and treatments for PTS. After years of research, we’ve come up with an outstanding solution to the problem of obtaining effective health care for Veterans, in a timely manner, in North County.”
1ARCs solution to treating PTS is the construction and development of their Veterans Integrative Medicine Operations Center (VIMOC). The 1ARC VIMOC will house a diverse group of medical professionals that currently utilize Integrative Medicine as there foundation for treating PTS. Integrative Medicine uses a wide range of Eastern and Western techniques that when brought together form a holistic approach to wellness. This blend of treatments along with a nutritional organic food regime, can create optimal wellness, thus a healthy lifestyle according to Dr. Andrew “Andy” Neil, pioneer and founder of the first Integrative Medicine Department at the University of Arizona, Tucson. We’re in the process of contacting Dr. Neil concerning his possible involvement in the design, layout and development of the first 1ARC VIMOC in Oceanside serving Veterans countywide.
Our 1ARC VIMOC will be the first facility to bring these alternative medicine experts together under one roof. Each of them are unique and specialists in their own respective fields. Most of these treatments are not currently available at the VA Hospital and may not necessarily be covered through existing insurance channels. However, they are derived and adopted by Doctors of Osteopathy, Natural-paths, and Holistic Practitioners whom believe strongly in their fields of study and know first-hand that these virtually unknown modalities work and need greater attention. Most of them have track records and can provide anecdotal evidence treating PTS. Further research like double-blind studies, need to be completed to prove their effectiveness. In the meantime, under ALECTRONICS Research Center protocols; these experimental modalities will become more salient and accepted as new and evolving treatments to combat PTS are found and defined. 1ARCs continued devotion to curing PTS, allows for additional funding mechanisms to support continued research and experimentation. It’s anticipated that treatment processes, still to be uncovered, may lead to advances that can make outstanding contributions towards healing our PTS plagued Veterans. These public advancements will be shared and it’s our hope that they’re adopted by the VA as leading-edge treatments that are effective and work. If 1ARCs influence with the building of 1ARC Veterans Park can eventually achieve National recognition; demonstrating the possibility of duplicating this model of Tax-Exempt Bond Public Finance throughout the U. S. A.
The 1ARC VIMOC will offer these sixteen (16) modalities to treat PTS under one roof:
Sclerology / Iridology Analysis Hyperbolic Oxygen Chamber
Acoustical Sensory Aquatics- Controlled Laps, Swimming, etc.
Sonoluminescence The Arts – Painting, Music, Poetry, Ceramics, etc.
Photonics- LED / Laser Isolation Chamber
Neuro Linguistic Programming TENS Unit Stimulation and Clearing
Gardening/Agri-Thermosphere Neurophone Sensory Unit
Acupuncture / Acupressure Chakra Rebuilding and Balancing
Cranial-Sacra Realignment Sleep Devices / Positive Airway Pressure – PAP Unit
Other modalities will be added to the 1ARC VIMOC as we grow and continue our research. These modalities listed above, are ones that work today and are not readily available. Other treatments will be identified as we grow and expand our VIMOC. Bringing these leading-edge treatments under one roof gives the Veteran an easier way to obtain quality care in a timely manner. The 1ARC VIMOC is a facility offering Veterans an integrative and holistic approach to curing PTS permanently. As we uncover new and innovative research combating PTS; 1ARC will document and share the findings on 1ARC.org openly through White Papers, Reports and Press Releases. The compilation of these educational documentation and related materials associated with PTS, supports the good of the public and influences the way we treat Veterans and others in the future and for generations.
The 1ARC Veterans Park makes up the combination of all of these buildings in one area (see Figure A on the following page). These buildings will incorporate the latest in green, clean energy technology. Solar panels, Solar /Thermal and other Eco-energy systems will be deployed on the rooftops and in the power rooms to supplement existing 120 VAC / 240 VAC /480 VAC power requirements. Educational demonstrations will be incorporated into the facilities operations. Recent discoveries and improvements related to the preservation and consumption of renewable energy/power will be constantly monitored and balanced 24/7 to provide the most economical rates throughout the facilities which will then be passed on to Veterans’ and their families and commercial tenants.
Additional educational demonstrations will be created on the rooftops displaying active solar power distribution systems deployed adjacent to the 1ARCAT. The AC Power Distribution systems and Rooftop Solar systems will provide educational and vocational H E L P – Hands-on Experiential Learning Programs for the Veterans and Students to begin their career readiness training for 21st Century Eco/Green jobs development.
The last feature is an Observation Deck on one of the adjacent building rooftops to support frequent observation viewing parties for those engaged in Astronomy and observing the Heavens.
1ARC is requesting your assistance to complete our mission of healing, revitalization, honoring and respecting these deserving individuals. Uniting for this great cause will bring remarkable results in the expansion of unity consciousness to revitalize communities. Coming together for a common cause creates a wave of good that’s unstoppable. That wave can be transmitted to those Veterans seeking a boost of motivational energy necessary; increasing their chances for a successful return. Your willingness and desire to give back to those whom risked their lives for Freedom is needed at this time. 1ARC is seeking volunteers, donors (Micro and Major Gift), sponsors and supporters to form Teams of Good; to assist 1ARC with the planning, development and construction of the first 1ARC Veterans Park planned for Carlsbad, California. This unique facility will provide all the tools and services necessary to give them a fighting chance for a holistic, well-balanced and successful life. They fought for us… now let’s act for what’s right. Building 21st Century Green/Eco facilities that heal and cater to our Veterans’ well-being is 1ARCs primary mission at this time.
In conclusion, 1ARC would like to highlight the following quote from San Diego County Supervisor and Chairman Bill Horn:
“Of the 3.2 Million residents in San Diego County, well over 1/3 are associated with our nation’s military, and this number continues to grow. San Diego County is the number one region in the United States where Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans are choosing to settle. As a county and as a community, we have a responsibility to take care of our Veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our Nation.”